IBM Watson Health , Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
HealthPartners Institute , HealthPartners, Inc.
University of Maryland at College Park
Public Health Institute
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
3:55 pm – 5:00 pm
The recently released Healthy People 2030 report is a “widely accessible plan containing achievable goals and objectives that can guide the action of individuals, communities, and stakeholders to improve health.” This session describes how businesses can support and benefit from the plan and summarizes recent research that informs the plan and our field. This panel also offers lessons learned from the extraordinary collaboration needed to find consensus on ambitious but attainable goals. The report notes, “It is essential to involve, as active partners, diverse stakeholders from across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors … and to share high-quality data and feedback on progress with stakeholders and the public.” This session aims to do just that!

©2019 Health Enhancement Research Organization 'HERO Health'

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