Portico Benefit Services
Quantum Health
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
According to NBGH's 2019 "Large Employers Healthcare Strategy and Plan Design survey,” 87% of employers surveyed believe that engagement platforms that aggregate health and benefit offerings and provide personalized concierge and navigation services are mission-critical to their businesses. Why? Employee engagement is a top priority, and providing a personalized, single-point of entry for employee healthcare and benefits is a proven engagement and retention driver. Navigating multiple benefits and healthcare options is not only challenging for employees but also for employers. HR leaders struggle to bring everything together, improve utilization and gain the desired return on their total benefit investments. Portico Benefits Services, an asset management arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Quantum Health, a healthcare navigation and care coordination company, demonstrates how a guided experience platform engages and empowers employees, drives measurable outcomes and helps Portico realize better utilization of all of its benefits. After completing this session, participants will be able to: (1) Increase employee engagement and satisfaction by simplifying the consumer experience and providing a single point of entry offering real-time guidance across multiple channels; (2) Demonstrate that engaging employees early in their health and benefits journey changes behaviors and results in better clinical and financial outcomes and tangible cost savings; and (3) Show how healthcare and benefits navigation, including comprehensive care coordination, improves utilization across offerings, maximizes employers return on investment, and increases employer satisfaction.

©2019 Health Enhancement Research Organization 'HERO Health'

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